Annual General Meeting 2025
This years AGM will take place on the 16th January 2025 at 8.00pm in The Indigo Lounge at Clontarf Castle Hotel.
With our 25th Anniversary Season now upon us the committee wish all members the best for the new season of golf. We hope it will be a great Season ahead. Before we get the outings underway here are a few things that players can do to help minimise playing time for a round of golf.
• Be aware of your position with regard to the group in front.
• Do not concern yourself with the group behind; the fact that you are not holding them up is irrelevant as it is your group’s responsibility to keep up with the group in front.
• If you feel that your group is falling behind, advise the other players in your group.
• If your group is behind, try to catch up quickly.
• If you lose a clear hole and are delaying the group behind, or if there is no group in front of you and you are delaying the group behind, invite the group behind to play through.
• Do not wait until it is your turn to play before putting on your glove.
• Do not wait until it is your turn to play before calculating your yardage and selecting your club.
• Look at your own line of putt while the other players in the group look at theirs (within the bounds of normal etiquette).
• At the green, position your bags so as to allow quick movement off the green to the next tee.
• Move off the green as soon as all players in your group have holed out; mark score cards at or on the way to the next tee.
• Play a provisional ball if your ball may be lost outside a hazard or out of bounds.
• If you keep up with the group in front, you cannot be accused of slow play.
Enjoy your Golf!
The Committee
Clontarf Castle Golf Society.
This years AGM will take place on the 16th January 2025 at 8.00pm in The Indigo Lounge at Clontarf Castle Hotel.
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